Crossroads School specializes in serving children and young adults between the ages of 3 and 22 with autism spectrum disorders and related diagnoses. Interested parents, guardians, and school districts may request an informational tour of our facilities that includes a description of Crossroads’ philosophy, treatment approach and educational services. The actual admissions process consists of three steps:
Crossroads accepts applications for admission when accompanied by a referral packet from a school district. Referral packets are reviewed promptly to determine if our program is appropriate for the student’s needs.
Intake Screening
After reviewing the Referral Packet, an appointment is made for an intake screening if it’s determined that our services may be able to help the student achieve the goals and objectives in his/her IEP. During the intake, the child’s repertoire is evaluated to assess skills and competencies. The Admissions Committee then determines if an opening exists in a classroom that matches the applicant’s age and functioning level. Intake screenings are scheduled for one hour and take place at Crossroads while parents meet with a member of the Admissions Department.
After reviewing all the information collected during the initial referral and intake screening, the Admissions Committee makes a determination regarding acceptance. Student admission is based on available placement into the child’s most appropriate peer grouping within the school. If our services are well matched to the student’s needs, but an opening is not available, the student’s application will be placed in our referral file pending an appropriate opening. The referral file allows us to consider all students who have been approved for admission. When we have a vacancy, we consider the needs of our students we currently have and the needs of the referred children.
For more information, please contact our Director of Admissions:
Chris Quartarone, MBA
Phone: 508.651.7500 x334
Email: admissions@crossroadscontinuum.org
Crossroads School accepts students of any race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, or other school-administered programs.
Contact Us
Crossroads School
295 Donald Lynch Boulevard
Marlborough, MA 01752
Email: info@crossroadscontinuum.org